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We are a group of passionate volunteers committed to making a positive impact in our community. Our mission is to empower individuals and create a better future for generations to come.
We are a community service program revolutionizing the way experienced people think about generating income. As an alternative to traditional W-2 employment, we inspire and empower 50+ professionals to recareer into self-employment, such as freelance work and small business ownership.
We're igniting a movement that fosters self-employment through educational programs, networking opportunities, and resources.
We believe there is hope for the silent tsunami of people who are financially unprepared to retire.
Did you know…
• An average of over 11,000 people in the U.S. turn 50 every day
• One in five workers over the age of 50 are self-employed
• Increasingly, households ages 55+ don't have any retirement savings
We're empowering people to overcome a shrinking social safety net and workplace ageism through self-employment, small business ownership, and freelance work. As a societal issue that affects every generation, we are on the forefront of solutions to turn the tide towards income resilience.
As employers continue to cut costs (and jobs), a flexible workplace is emerging that includes the rise of freelancers, contractors, part-timers, consultants and small business owners.
BoomerWorks is harnessing the wisdom of experienced professionals to transition to this new economy of self-employment. We're helping them shift their mindsets and repurpose their skill sets in every professional sector to create viable income streams for as long as they want or need to work.
Partner with us to embrace this revolutionary new paradigm.
We currently host monthly educational events on Zoom. Click on our Meetup tab, then scroll to the bottom of the page for a list of upcoming events.
And make sure to join our Meetup community!
You can also sign up for emails about upcoming meetups.
Whether you're ready to launch or grow your freelance or small business, or another self-employment venture,
we invite you to join us on the journey!
"Boomerworks took me from a basic unawareness of the gig economy to a rough, yet concrete plan, for starting my own business. The sessions gave great information but the hidden gem, in my opinion, are the meetup groups. Each time the group met, my peers and a coach reviewed my concept and next steps, giving me informative feedback and encouragement, along with concrete suggestions. Attending Boomerworks was the best move I could have taken to moving forward in my career transition."
-Ruth B.
"The sessions were very informative. The exercises definitely helped point me in the right direction. The volunteers were invaluable during the meetup sessions; especially when you break out into small groups.
You could not get enough good information attending Boomerworks."
-Mark F.
"I really think it was spectacular... I will recommend it to anyone who is in the space where they need to reinvent themselves."
-Lydia B.
I found the Boomerworks workshop exciting and inspiring. The way in which the sessions were structured afforded me the time to fully immerse myself in each lesson and then carry those principles into the next topic. I was able to learn and build knowledge, which in the final session resulted in an almost full-fledged business idea and plan.
-Tony B.
Please note: BoomerWorks is no longer affiliated with United Charitable as of December 2020. Any materials referencing United Charitable were developed prior to December 2020. BoomerWorks is now a charitable program of Purposeful Hire.